hello, my name is

deric mendez

I enjoy planning and building user experiences for web applications of all kinds with collaborative project teams. Below, you can get a glimpse of my career and skillsets since 2000.

I LoveFamily, cooking and disc golf.


Dec 2018

D3 with React is a great way to componentize visualizations using composable JSX components without D3's DOM utilities, leveraging and focusing on the core dataviz functions.


Dec 2018

Introduced to TS through a React/Redux project. Definitely a humbling experience adding type assurance to an existing Javascript codebase, but the pay-off was worth it!


Dec 2017

Entroduced to React through co-workers research and willingness to experiement with it's universal capabilities across web and native platforms. Since then, have latched onto React due to it's community support and accessible learning curve.


Dec 2016

Prior to adopting React, Angular was our primary tool to build out single page apps leveraging their unique templating system (at the time).


Dec 2015

Majority of clients' products needed support for marketing/CMS which I was able to take on building out custom themes and plugins.



Saught out Crema because I loved their values around building good products for users and customers. This included working collaboratively in an agile environment allowing all roles to contribute

Spent half my tenure here helping start-ups build out their product ideas and the other half helping enterprise organizations build out their internal tools.


Jul 2010

Used jQuery and wrote custom plugins to help build out splash page and content page interactions.


Jul 2008

Spent a lot of time working with stylesheets and systemizing CSS on content sites with tools like SASS/LESS and applying through semantic HTML using atomic design principals.

Macromedia Flash

Jul 2008

JavaScript interactions were not as accessible as they are today, so setting up Flash components to add location map interactions and game-like interfaces were imperative to add unique interactions on client projects.


Jul 2008

About 70% of projects with DEG were .NET related. I was hired initially to build out UI's for all of our custom .NET projects.



My first job dedicated to building content sites with CSS/HTML within a custom .NET framework.

DEG eventually started working with clients to help build projects in Wordpress, Magento and Sitecore/Sharepoint environments which expoded me to several other languages such as PHP/.NET/Node.


Dec 2005

Spent time learning how to interface with MySQL and building out a custom CMS. Also worked with Interchange ecommerce platform to help build out an electronics and stereo equipment store.


Dec 2004

I avoided JavasScript for a long time, but became inevitable the demand for interactions so started to embrace this tool more along with cross-browser frustrations.


Dec 2004

Learned advanced indexing and querying capabilities to get related products on ecommerece stores.

Macromedia Flash

Dec 2003

Built out animated banners and theme'd games to use for website promotions


Dec 2003

I loved CSS Zen Garden at the time, so anything I could control with stylesheets while maintaining DOM integrity, was my obsession.



Perfect entry level job where I got to help maintain the companies website but had the opportunity to work on internal projects, tools and e-commerce stories.

Turned out this was the perfect incubator to kick-off a ton of exploration and experience with a lot of new tools and technology at the time. Even got to spend some time maintaining server racks for online games. 😅


Dec 2001

Start using CSS to decorate landing pages and TreeLoot website.


Dec 2001

Not only used HTML for general content updates, but started to learn to use HTML for building targeted advertising emails.

Macromedia Flash

Dec 2001

Continued with animation and tweens then learned to apply ActionScripting to automate animations and add in logic for more interactive banners and games



My first full time job outside of school! Got hired on as a web designer where I got to spend some time engaging with Photoshop more. Eventually got my hands on some flash experience with marketing banners and forms.


May 2001

Learned to work with Perl for content updates and form submissions


Dec 2000

Learned to write semantic HTML in order to provide school's pages with searchable content.


Dec 2000

Start learning CSS in school work and applying minor css styling to school content pages

Macromedia Flash

Dec 2000

Used flash to build out animations and tweens for custom website ad banners


Dec 2000

Built out ad banners for school site and produced page mockups for particular departments


KCKCC Internship

Landed an internship that started part time through the school year then full time during summers.

Majority of my time was fixing bugs, updating content and the occational creative freedom to add new pages and banners.

Built with 🔨
Gatsby, Chakra and D3 (timeline)